Published on 2009-06-04, 09:00 The Solar Circumnavigator project launchedAnthony Howarth confirmed today that Peoples Projects Foundation will fund The Solar Circumnavigator project. Read the full Press release
Published on 2009-06-02, 09:00 Peoples Projects Foundation announces first project : The Solar CircumnavigatorPeoples Projects for the environment will, as its first project, fund THE SOLAR CIRCUMNAVIGATOR, a magnificient example of the direct use of solar power. Read the full Press release
Published on 2009-05-25, 09:00 Start of Peoples Projects FoundationPeoples Projects for the environment is an active new fundraising organization with a mission, and attitude! A deliberate nod to what will surely become knwon as "The Obama Generation" or, at least, "The Obama Decade".... Read the full Press release